
renewable energy

renewable energy(Renewable Energy)

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Renewable Energy

Roofn. 屋顶;最高处,顶部;最高限度 vt. 给…盖屋顶,覆盖 TurbineN-COUNT A turbine is a machine or engine which uses a stream of air, gas, water, or steam to turn a wheel and produce power. 涡轮机 The new ship will be powered by two gas turbines and four diesel engines. 那艘新轮船将由2台燃气涡轮机和4台柴油机驱动。 …barns and cowsheds are blanketed with blue photovoltaic solar panels.barn ED: 1.a large farm building for storing crops, or for keeping animals in 谷仓,粮秣房,仓库;牲口棚 2. a large plain building informal 简陋的大房子 【非正式】 a huge barn of a house 一幢简陋的大房子 cowshed ED: N-COUNT A cowshed is a building where cows are kept or milked. 牛棚; 牛舍 Blanket n.毛毯,毯子;毯状物,覆盖层 adj. 总括的,全体的;没有限制的 vt. 覆盖,掩盖;用毯覆盖 to cover something with a thick layer 覆盖;笼罩 be blanketed in/with sth Eg: The rooftops were blanketed in snow. 屋顶上覆盖着白雪。 photovoltaicED: ADJ A photovoltaic cell or panel is a device that uses sunlight to cause a chemical reaction which produces electricity. 光电的 Eg: Our country needs eagerly to develop photovoltaic grid-connected system. 我国正迫切需要发展光伏并网发电技术。 参考来源 - 嵌入式网关研究及在光伏并网系统中应用 The mathematical model of PV cells was established. Trough MATLAB simulation, non-linear of Photovoltaic cells was verified. 通过建立电池数学模型和MATLAB仿真,验证了光伏电池的非线性。 参考来源 - 并网光伏发电系统最大功率点跟踪技术的研究 The photovoltaic performance of QS-DSSC is also increased. QS-DSSC with the optimized composition of TSGE shows 6.10 % light-to-electricity conversion efficiency. 经过系列优化后,QS-DSSC光电性能可以达到6.10 %。 blue photovoltaic solar panels  蓝光电(?)太阳能电池板 manureED: n./vt.  waste matter from animals that is mixed with soil to improve the soil and help plants grow 粪肥 Eg: Dung is used as manure. Biogas 沼气,生物气ED: N a gas that is produced by the action of bacteria on organic waste matter: used as a fuel 生化气体 Eg:Biogas energy is a kind of biomass, which is constantly renewable in the natural world. Handsomely1. in an attractively handsome manner 2. in a generously handsome manner Eg: He did us handsomely. 他慷慨地款待我们。 AnathemaED: something that is completely the opposite of what you believe in 因立场相左而讨厌的事物 【正式】 Eg: His political views were anathema to me. 我对他的政治观点全然反感。 Few greens would mourn them. MournED: to feel very sad because something no longer exists or is no longer as good as it used to be 对…感到痛心 Eg: The old steam trains were much-loved, and we all mourn their passing . 老式的蒸汽火车曾经备受喜爱,我们都为它们的淘汰感到惋惜。 IncumbentED: adj formal 【正式】 1. it is incumbent upon/on sb to do sth Eg: if it is incumbent upon you to do something, it is your duty or responsibility to do it 做某事是某人的职务 It is incumbent upon parents to control what their children watch on TV. 控制孩子看什么样的电视节目是父母的责任。 2. the incumbent president/priest/government etc Eg: the president etc at the present time 现任总统/现任牧师/本届政府等 ED: N.  someone who has been elected to an official position, especially in politics, and who is doing that job at the present time 在职者,现任者〔尤指政治职位〕 【正式】 Eg:  In the June elections, Morris easily defeated the incumbent, Tom Smith. 在6月的大选中,莫里斯轻松击败了在任的汤姆·史密斯。 GridED: N-COUNT A grid is a network of wires and cables by which sources of power, such as electricity, are distributed throughout a country or area. 系统网络 (指输电网等) Eg: ...breakdowns in communications and electric-power grids. …通信与输电网故障。 其他意思: 网格,栅格 perennialAdj.  1.  continuing or existing for a long time, or happening again and again 持续的;长久的;反复出现的 Lack of resources has been a perennial problem since the beginning. 财力不足从最初起就一直是个问题。 Teddy bears are a perennial favorite with children. 泰迪熊一直受到孩子们的喜爱。 2.  a plant that is perennial lives for more than two years 〔植物〕多年生的 → annual N. a plant that lives for more than two years 多年生植物 → annual →  hardy perennial (1) megawatt hour 千兆The cheapest solar power now costs $120-140 per megawatt hour. 目前最便宜的太阳能每兆瓦时需要120-140美元。 Havoc1.  N-UNCOUNT Havoc is great disorder and confusion. 大混乱 Rioters caused havoc in the centre of the town. 暴徒在市中心造成了极大的混乱。 2.  PHRASE If one thing plays havoc with another or wreaks havoc on it, it prevents it from continuing or functioning as normal, or damages it. 打乱 The weather played havoc with airline schedules. 天气状况打乱了航空公司的时刻表。 Subsidy 津贴 Eternal adj. 永远的ED: 1.  continuing for ever and having no end 永远的;永恒的 the Christian promise of eternal life 基督教承诺的永生 She’s an eternal optimist (= she always expects that good things will happen ). 她永远是个乐观主义者。 THESAURUS PERMANENT 1 2.  seeming to continue for ever, especially because of being boring or annoying 似乎无休止的;没完没了的 SYNnever-ending the eternal arguments between mother and son 母子间没完没了的争吵 3.  eternal truths principles that are always true 永恒的真理 GlutED:  N. a supply of something, especially a product or crop, that is more than is needed 供应过剩 OPPshortage Eg:  a glut of oil on the world market 国际市场石油供过于求 2.v ( past tense and past participle glutted , present participle glutting ) ED:  to cause something to have too much of something 使供应过剩,充斥 Eg:  the glutted property market 已经饱和的房地产市场

用英文阐述一下renewable energy..

Renewable energy is a kind of energy which, after being used, can renew itself within certain period of time, such as solar energy, hydro energy, wind energy etc.

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