


admin admin 发表于2024-09-22 05:53:09 浏览2 评论0





问题一:请问鞋子用英文怎么说 shoes 鞋子 slippers 拖鞋 sandals 凉鞋 问题二:鞋子英语怎么说是shoe还是shoes 说shoe shoe 英 n. 鞋;蹄铁;(汽车轮的)制动器,煞车;外胎 vt. 为…钉蹄铁;给…穿上鞋;装防护物 词汇难度:高考 / 考研 第三人称单数: shoes 复数: shoes 现在分词: shoing 过去式: shod shoed 过去分词: shod shoed 问题三:男鞋用英语怎么说 一、男鞋英语men’s shoes;men shoes;shoes for men 例句 1. The prices of men’s shoes run from £30 to £90. 男鞋的价格是30至90镑。 2. Both the men’s and ladies shoes retail for ¥49.99. 男鞋和女鞋的零售价都是49.99元一双。 3.Joy的男鞋的起价在3,500卢比(70美元),丝毫不算便宜,但该店货品畅销多年。 Starting at 3,500 rupees ($70) for a pair of men弗;s shoes, Joy is notcheap. 4.Coolgo Shoes limited is a professional manufacturer in producing men shoes in China.Coolgo鞋有限公司是在中国一家专业生产男鞋制造商。 二、男鞋字面上理解为男式鞋。目前分类很多包括皮鞋,正装鞋,休闲鞋,运动鞋,跑鞋,舞蹈鞋等等,男鞋的主要特征是有别于女鞋的秀气和典雅,更显男人商务,大气,休闲的一面,目前男鞋的款式和种类有上千种之多。 问题四:我的鞋子在哪里用英语怎么说 Where are my shoes? 问题五:一双鞋用英语怎么说 trousers; pants;socks 等用英语表达时,需要借助量词pair 一双鞋:a pair of shoes 大于等于二时,量词变复数穿即:two pairs of shoes ....... 问题六:鞋子用英语怎么说? shoes 问题七:拖鞋用英语怎么说? 鞋子种类(Shoes Variety) Athletic Shoes 运动鞋 Casua Shoes 便鞋 Hiking Shoes 旅游鞋 Slipper 拖鞋 Sandals 凉鞋 Boots 马靴 Work Boots 工作鞋 Axido 沙滩鞋 Canvas 帆布鞋 Sport Boots 运动靴 Pumps 高跟鞋 部位名称(Location Name) Upper Vamp 鞋面 Counter 后套 Binding 滚边 Last 楦头 Top Line 鞋口 Sole Edge 底边 Seams 缝合处 Bows 饰片 Stain 染色 Adhered 粘贴 Bumper 包头片 Steel Toe 钢头 Eyelet And Lace 鞋眼带 Embroidery 电绣 Quarter 鞋腰(身) Tongue 鞋舌 Insole 中底 Weit 沿条 Ornament 饰物 Toe Box 头套 Siping 切沟 Soles 底台 Zigzag 万能 Eye Stay 眼套 Collar 领口 Top 面线 Back Strap 后吊带 Out Sole 大底 Mid Sole-EVA EVA中插 Open Toe 鞋头开口 Open Back 鞋后开口 Lace Loop 穿环 Reinforcements 补强 Hand Sews 手缝马克 Reinforce Tape 补强带 Inside Corners 内弯角 Insole Board 中底纸板 Textile Lining 布料衬里 Plat Forms 包边中底台 Wovens/Weaves 编织类 Lining 内里 Heel 脚跟 Foxing 护条 Eye Let 鞋眼片 Overlay 饰片 Socks 鞋垫 Box Toe 鞋衬里 Print 印刷 Perforation 冲孔 Toe Cap 鞋头 Toe Part 鞋头部


In the jungle(丛林)of Africa,there livesa family of monkeys.There is a Mama Monkey and a Papa Monkey,and they have a young daughter named Hannah.The monkey faily live very happily ,swinging and playing in the trees.But it isn’t all play.Papa Monkey has to make sure their home is warm and safe.Mama is responsible(负责的)for the sewing(缝纫)and cooking of the family’s meals.Hannah helps with the cleaning,but her main job is is to collect all the bananas and other fruit for the monkey family’s meals.问题:按照你对短文的理解填空1.There are( )monkeys in the family and they live( )in the jungle of Africa.2.( )must keep their home warm and safe.3.Mama sews and( )for the family.4.The daughter does the cleaning and collects( )for their meals答案1.There are(three )monkeys in the family and they live(happily )in the jungle of Africa.2.(Papa Monkey )must keep their home warm and safe.3.Mama sews and( cooks )for the family.4.The daughter does the cleaning and collects( bananas and other fruit)for their meals.


1.There are(three )monkeys in the family and they live(happily )in the jungle of Africa.2.(Papa Monkey )must keep their home warm and safe.3.Mama sews and( cooks )for the family.4.The daughter does the cleaning and collects( bananas and other fruit)for their meals.

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