


admin admin 发表于2024-09-11 09:18:15 浏览9 评论0





Not only are mothers not paid but also most of their boring or difficult work is unnoticed.母亲们不仅得不到报酬,而且所干的乏味艰辛的活儿也很少被留意。There is every reason why I shouldn’t enjoy his company – he’s a bore and a fool.我有充分的理由不和他在一起–他是个无聊的家伙,一个傻瓜。Monuments and museums bore him to tears.纪念碑和博物馆让他厌烦透了。

用 be bored with 造句

1.How does my face grow mole be bored with? 我的脸怎么长痣了腻? 2.In blow be bored with child before had better hit prevent crack bandage. 在刮腻子前最好打一遍防裂绷带。 3.How does ability let him everyday as far as possible a bit happier be bored with? 怎么样才能让自己每天都尽量开心一点腻? 4.Ice Age’s comedy is worthy of Bugs, but unless you’re under 5, you’ll be bored with everything else. 冰河时代的喜剧,是值得臭虫,但除非你喜欢下5 ,你会感到无聊与一切。 5.The world has a game only, people is to play not of be bored with, that is in business namely make money. 天下只有一个游戏,人们是玩不腻的,那就是经商赚钱。 6.A be bored with child after be being blown, a week does not have parched phenomenon also is common occurance. 一道腻子刮完以后,一个星期都没有干透的现象也是屡见不鲜。 7.Otherwise, not only invigorator eats go in afflictive, make cold cough sticks be bored with to heal hard instead. 否则,不但补药吃进去难受,反而使感冒咳嗽粘腻难愈。 8.If the room can increase be bored with appropriately damply relatively child medium glue dosage or add priming paint. 如房间较潮湿可适当增加腻子中的胶用量或加一遍底漆。 9.Next, the too super-cooling, overheat, salty, food that crosses be bored with, right also of the illness alleviate adverse. 其次,过冷、过热、过咸、过腻的食物,也对病情的缓解不利。 10.Look for a good friend to live together, with girlfriend slow-witted be bored with look for a good friend to chat a little. 找个好朋友一起住,和女朋友呆腻了就找好朋友聊聊天。 11.Cook uses stew more, stew, the method such as evaporate, float, use food of frying oil be bored with and excitant dressing less. 烹调多采用焖、炖、蒸、氽等方法,少用煎炸油腻食品及刺激性调味品。 12.Metope adornment material includes be bored with commonly child, brick of wall of material of wall paint, coating, stone, wallpaper. 墙面装饰材料一般包括腻子、墙漆、涂料、石材墙砖、壁纸等。 13.From their faces Rostov surmised that all these gentlemen had more than once heard the whole story, and had had time to be bored with it. 罗斯托夫凭他们的脸色心里就明白,这些先生不止一次地听过使他们厌恶的整个故事。 14.Buy decorate material, inside " feline be bored with " quite much, impossible to defend effectively making a person, a lot of people have hear of early. 购买装修材料,里面“猫腻”颇多、令人防不胜防,许多人早有耳闻。 15.Undertake to wall facing is handled, with be bored with child make level, burnish light slippery level off, brush paint next, basically be emulsion paint. 对墙壁进行面层处理,用腻子找平,打磨光滑平整,然后刷涂料,主要是乳胶漆。 16.In Fuzhou, the like a raging fire that meal industry grows, but the backside in this kind of flourishing however under cover a variety of cat be bored with. 在福州,餐饮行业发展的如火如荼,但在这种红火的背后却隐藏着种种猫腻。 17.Balm has go raw meat or fish, except be bored with, with flavour, add sweet, moist dish is tasted wait for action, it is a kind of indispensable dressing in cooking. 香油有去腥、除腻、和味、增香,滋润菜品等作用,是烹饪中不可缺少的一种调味品。 18.Nowadays, people has no less than be bored with big fish big meat wants to eat unpolished rice potherb same, salvage in dress, comfortable uncut jade returns really… 如今,正如人们吃腻了大鱼大肉想吃糙米野菜一样,在服饰打捞上,适璞归真的… 19.And be bored with child do not work after appearing can immediate impact to arrive the cover with paint of coating, and the commonest problem is wall meeting " case beat " . 而腻子不干透了会直接影响到以后涂料的涂饰,而最常见的问题就是墙壁会“起鼓”。 20.Buy this kind of furniture to have a profit, namely: Although where day sees be bored with, want furniture to had not rotted only, I can put them to the net to auction again. 买这类家具有一个好处,就是:即使哪天看腻了,只要家具还没烂掉,我可以把它们再放到网上拍卖。 21." ask she feels to make childe place buy " the winter is swung " special sweet, li Jiaxin immediately is affectedly sweet to hair be bored with: "You say is be, I was not told. 问她觉得许公子所买的“冬甩”是否非凡甜,李嘉欣随即嗲到发腻:“你说是就是啦,我没讲呀。” 22.Mr Wang thinks and two people of girlfriend live together time became long meeting be bored with, it is good to be mixed cummer is big in the home glare is small sometimes dull. 王先生认为和女朋友两人生活在一起时间久了会腻,有时和女友在家里大眼瞪小眼好无聊。 23.According to present raw material market level, if ambry price covers rice under 950 yuan of / , play the ability of feline be bored with with shoddy material to accomplish only. 按照现在的原材料市场行情,橱柜价格假如低于950元/套米,只有玩材料以次充好的猫腻才能做到。 24.Pu’er tea goes fat goes be bored with, but the special taste that also a few people like Pu Er not quite, join a few white chrysanthemum to be able to solve this problem actually. 普洱茶去脂去腻,但是也有一些人不太喜欢普洱的特别味道,其实加入几朵白菊花就可以解决这个问题。 25.All fools’ day that is surrounded by crammer is very much the netizen already passed be bored with, a lot of netizens hope to be able to spend all fools’ day of one specific type. 被谎言包围的愚人节很多网友已经过腻了,很多网友希望能过一个别样的愚人节。 26.Big commodity that every deliver goods comes (especially valuable) must open box to tear open a bag face to face, check label closes, beware the businessman plays feline be bored with; 凡送货上门的大件商品(尤其是珍贵物品)一定要当面开箱拆包,验货签收,谨防商家玩猫腻; 27.When construction, the place on the wall approves be bored with child should build sizy place to allocate by chemical and especially white old pink, white cement, water, sizy, 8 01 and become. 施工时,墙上所批腻子应该由特白老粉、白水泥、水、化学浆糊、801建筑胶水所调配而成。 28.She shakes stoutly shake close together, generation is just like alpenglow one kind like tangerine, thick and not be bored with, colourful and not float, there am me in you, there are you in me. 她果断地摇摇合在一起,产生一种好比朝霞似的橘红色,浓而不腻,艳而不浮,你中有我,我中有你。 29.After burnish is over, must blow be bored with child, use Sweden goes out with compound of floor wood chip be bored with child, what can assure a floor is ecru, the floor won’t be blown to spend; 打磨完后,一定要刮腻子,使用瑞典出的与地板木屑混合的腻子,可以保证地板的本色,地板不会被刮花; 30.Nevertheless, the personage inside course of study thinks, much contact is installed a few times " DIY " , the feline be bored with in decorating a process to preventing to entrust has profit quite. 不过,业内人士认为,多接触一些家装“DIY”,对防止委托装修过程中的猫腻相当有好处。






1. She doesn’t get cross, though, only bored .


2. He made a very boring after dinner speech .


3. Yesterday he sit out a boring play .


4. He is likeable enough , but a bit boring .


5. He would become bored and a trifle sober .


6. It’s difficult to find bored in a sentence. 


7.I find the whole thing very boring .


8.When i get bored marya suggests we play cards .


9.Other people’s dreams are very boring .


10.His style is turgid, boring .



1.He is easy to get bored.他很容易觉得厌倦.2.He never gets bored in classes.他上课时从不感觉无聊.希望能帮到你!


He is a bored student. 他是一位感到厌烦的学生。 2. The condition of being bored; ennui. 厌烦处于厌烦的状态;无聊 3. He bored us all by talking for hours about his new house. 他连续几个小时大谈他的新房子,使我们大家都厌烦透了。 4. Worms have bored into the wood. 虫子已经蛀穿了木料。 5. Doing anything all day long will come to nothing but get us bored. 整天做一件事只会把人弄烦。 6. I’m rather bored by the rumor. 这谣传我真听腻了。 7. He rattled on about his job, not noticing how bored she was. 他只顾喋喋不休地说自己工作上的事,没注意到她有多麽腻烦。 8. I’m bored by history dates and battles and all that stuff. 我让历史科给烦透了--那些日期, 战争之类的事.





adj. 无聊的;无趣的;烦人的。

v. 使厌烦(bore的过去式);烦扰。

变形:比较级more bored、最高级most bored。


1、People naturally do not like being bored.


2、I feel bored every time when I have a math class.


3、I’m bored of this boring job. I quit!


4、He was getting bored with doing the same thing every day.



Tom used to feel bored when he studied.亲:高老师祝你学习进步,每天都开心V_V!望采纳,thx!


I am tired,because I did a lot of homework just now.I am excited,because I will watch a wonderful film.I am happy,because I got a present from my mother.I am bored,because I have nothing to do .I am angry,because my wallet was stolen just now.

get bored造句

get bored的中文意思是“感到厌倦、厌烦”,get bored的造句:People become interested in a certain thing and soon get bored with it easily.人们对一件事感兴趣,而不久又很容易对它感到厌烦;You’ll never get bored because there is so much to see and do.你不会感到厌烦,因为这儿有很多可看可做的事物。


get bored的’中文意思是“感到厌倦、厌烦”,get bored的造句:People become interested in a certain thing and soon get bored with it easily.人们对一件事感兴趣,而不久又很容易对它感到厌烦。

用get bored with造句

People become interested in a certain thing and soon get bored with it easily.人们对一件事感兴趣,而不久又很容易对它感到厌烦。

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