
pleased with it

pleased with(be pleased with.这里的 pleased 是不是过去分词当做形容词)

admin admin 发表于2024-07-26 16:10:25 浏览15 评论0


各位老铁们好,相信很多人对pleased with都不是特别的了解,因此呢,今天就来为大家分享下关于pleased with以及be pleased with.这里的 pleased 是不是过去分词当做形容词的问题知识,还望可以帮助大家,解决大家的一些困惑,下面一起来看看吧!


be pleased with.这里的 pleased 是不是过去分词当做形容词

是的~ please的过去分词,因为是动词的过去分词做形容词,表示高兴的. 给你补几个~ Be pleased about sth 对某事感到满意 Be pleased to do sth 高兴做某事 Be pleased with sb/sth 对某人某物感到满意

pleased with后面可接什么

I am pleased with him (对他很满意)。I am pleased with what he did(对他所做的很满意)。I am pleased with my exam results (对我的考试成绩很满意)。 Please with + noun (令你满意的人或事) 。

be pleased with什么意思及同义词

be pleased with对…喜欢,满意于。

Set to work with a will and be pleased with the amount you get done。干活时卖力干,干了多少都满意。


discontent; unsatisfy;


He’s not too pleased that I don’t seem to be doing my bit。



举个非常简单的例子:I am very hungry, very hungry可以换成starving, 这个词汇就很简单,但是大家往往不会用它,一说到非常饿,就是very hungry。


be pleased with是什么意思

be pleased with对…喜欢,满意于。

Set to work with a will and be pleased with the amount you get done。干活时卖力干,干了多少都满意。


discontent; unsatisfy;


He’s not too pleased that I don’t seem to be doing my bit。

be pleased +at/about/by/with这些搭配有什么区别吗


be pleased at  sth :对某事感到满意;

be pleased with sb/sth :对某人某物感到满意;

be pleased about sth: 对某事感到满意;

be pleased  by  sth :感到高兴的,

pleased      英  

  • adj. 高兴的;喜欢的;乐意做某事

  • v. 满意;愿意(please的过去分词形式)

pleased with oneself 自鸣得意  

pleased with 对…感到高兴;对…感到满意

pleased to meet you 见到你很高兴

as pleased as punch 非常高傲;得意洋洋

  • He smiled, pleased by the woman’s jealousy. 

    他抿着嘴笑, 打心里喜欢这女人的醋劲儿。

  • Nothing pleased him. He was always grumbling. 

    没有什么能使他满意, 他总是发牢骚。

  • I would be very much pleased if you would accept the trifling present from me. 

    如果你收下我的这份薄礼, 我将非常高兴。

be pleased with这个句型怎么用

be pleased with 高兴,感到满意,满意be very pleased with oneself 得意洋洋(扬扬)例子You’ll be pleased with the results if you take the time to decorate your home. 如果你愿意花时间装饰住房,装饰后你会感到满意的。These people should change this bad habit and condescend to be pleased withwhat is pleasing, without worrying needlessly about themselves and others. 这些人应改一改他们的坏习惯,放下架子,该高兴时就高兴,不必为自己和他人无谓地担心。Not only will your clients and colleagues be pleased with your work ethic when youdo what you say, but your own life will reflect the satisfaction of a job well done. 你说到做到,高兴的不仅是你的客户和同事,你自己的生活也会反映出你出色完成工作的满足感。精锐C

be pleased with 嘛意思

Be pleased about sth 对某事感到满意Be pleased to do sth 高兴做某事Be pleased with sb/sth 对某人某物感到满意

be pleased with 的英语意思

顺手采纳答案be pleased with 的意思是说 对…喜欢,满意于; 例句Set to work with a will and be pleased with the amount you get done干活时卖力干,干了多少都满意

pleased with是什么意思

pleased with 


I was not too pleased with the record you sent me

文章分享结束,pleased with和be pleased with.这里的 pleased 是不是过去分词当做形容词的答案你都知道了吗?欢迎再次光临本站哦!