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“Usually when we walk through the rain forest we hear a soft sound from all the moist leaves and organic debris on the forest floor,” says ecologist Daniel Nepstad. “Now we increasingly get rustle and crunch. That’s the sound of a dying forest.”Predictions of the collapse of the tropical rain forests have been around for years. Yet until recently the worst forecasts were almost exclusively linked to direct human activity, such as clear- cutting and burning for pastures or farms. Left alone, it was assumed, the world’s rain forests would not only flourish but might even rescue us from disaster by absorbing the excess carbon dioxide and other planet-warming greenhouse gases. Now it turns out that may be wishful thinking. Some scientists believe that the rise in carbon levels means that the Amazon and other rain forests in Asia and Africa may go from being assets in the battle against rising temperatures to liabilities. Amazon plants, for instance, hold more than 100 billion metric tons of carbon, equal to 15-years of tailpipe and chimney emissions. If the collapse of the rain forests speeds up dramatically, it could eventually release 3.5-5 billion metric tons of carbon into the atmosphere each year making forests the leading source, of greenhouse gases.Uncommonly severe droughts brought on by global climate change have led to forest-eating wildfires from Australia to Indonesia, but nowhere more acutely than in the Amazon. Some experts say that the rain forest is already at the brink of collapse.Extreme weather and reckless development are plotting against the rain forest in ways that scientists have never seen. Trees need more water as temperatures rise, but the prolonged droughts have robbed them of moisture, making whole forests easily cleared of trees and turned into farmland. The picture worsens with each round of El Nino, the unusually warm currents in the Pacific Ocean that drive up temperatures and invariably presage (预示)droughts and fires in the rain forest. Runaway fires pour even more carbon into the air, which increases temperatures, starting the whole vicious cycle all over again.More than paradise lost, a perishing rain forest could trigger a domino effect sending winds and rains kilometers off course and loading the skies with even greater levels of greenhouse gases—that will be felt far beyond the Amazon basin. In a sense, we are already getting a glimpse of what’s to come. Each burning season in the Amazon, fires deliberately set by frontier settlers and developers hurl up almost half a billion metric tons of carbon a year, placing Brazil among the top five contributors to greenhouse gases in the world.“通常当我们走过雨林我们听到柔和的声音从潮湿的树叶和有机碎屑森林地板”,生态学家丹尼尔·纳普斯泰德说。“现在我们越来越得到沙沙声和危机。这是死亡森林的声音。”的预测热带雨林的崩溃已经存在很多年了。然而,直到最近,坏的预测几乎都与人类直接有关活动,如明确——切割和燃烧牧场或农场。独处,认为,世界上的热带雨林不仅会蓬勃发展但甚至可能救我们脱离灾难通过吸收多余的二氧化碳和其他温室气体。现在事实证明,可能是一厢情愿的想法。一些科学家认为,二氧化碳水平的升高意味着亚马逊和其他在亚洲和非洲的热带雨林可能会在战斗中从资产对气温上升的债务。例如,亚马逊植物超过1000亿吨碳,相当于排气管的瘟疫烟囱排放。如果雨林急剧加速,崩溃它可能最终释放3.5 -50亿吨碳氛围使森林的主要来源,每年的温室气体。极其严重的干旱导致的全球气候变化导致forest-eating大火从澳大利亚到印尼,但没有更多敏锐地比亚马逊。一些专家认为,热带雨林已经崩溃的边缘。极端天气和不计后果的开发策划对热带雨林的方式,科学家们从来没有见过。树需要更多的水随着温度上升,但长期的干旱已经剥夺了他们水分,使整个森林容易清除树木,变成农田。情况恶化每一轮的厄尔尼诺现象,不同寻常的暖流太平洋,抬高温度和总是预示着(预示)干旱在雨林和火灾。失控的火灾倒更多的碳排放到空气中,从而增加温度,整个恶性循环开始都结束了吗一次。超过《失乐园》,一个讨厌的雨林可能引发多米诺骨牌效应将风和雨公里偏离轨道和加载天空更大水平的温室气体将会远远超出了亚马逊盆地。从某种意义上说,我们已经得到的是什么来了。每到燃烧的季节在亚马逊、火灾故意设定的边界定居者和开发商投了近十亿公吨的碳年,巴西排名前五的贡献者的温室气体世界。

就Climate & pollution 写一篇英语作文,120~150字就够了,在线等~谢谢啦~

Air pollution changes our planet’s climate, but not all types of air pollution have the same effect. There are many different types of air pollution. Some types cause global warming to speed up. Others cause global warming to slow down by creating a temporary cooling effect for a few days or weeks. Read on the learn more about the pollution that causes Earth to warm and the pollution that causes Earth to cool.Some air pollutants cause more global warmingAir pollution includes greenhouse gases. One of these is carbon dioxide, a common part of the exhaust from cars and trucks. Greenhouse gases cause global warming by trapping heat from the Sun in the Earth’s atmosphere. Greenhouse gases are a natural part of Earth’s atmosphere, but in the last 150 years or so, the amount in our atmosphere has increased. The increase comes from car exhaust and pollutants released from smokestacks at factories and power plants. The increase in greenhouses gases is the cause of most of the global warming that happened over the past century. Scientists predict that much more warming will likely happen during the next century. Some air pollutants slow down global warmingCars, trucks, and smokestacks also release tiny particles into the atmosphere. These tiny particles are called aerosols. They can be made of different things such as mineral dust, sulfates, sea salt, or carbon. Some of these particles get into the atmosphere naturally. They are dust lifted into the atmosphere from deserts, from evaporating droplets from the ocean, released by the smoke from wildfires, and erupting volcanoes. But air pollution released by humans by burning of fossil fuels also adds them to the atmosphere. Aerosols have an impact on climate. While different types of aerosols act differently in the atmosphere, the overall effect of aerosols is cooling.Greenhouse gases stay in the atmosphere for years and cause warming around the world. Computer models indicate that, worldwide, the tiny aerosols cause about half as much cooling as greenhouse gases cause warming.还有一篇:In its former incarnation, Climate Bill H.R. 759, known as the Pollution-Climate Stewardship Act, held the primary intent of capping overall greenhouse gas (GHG) emission from covered sectors of U.S. industry starting in 2010 to the levels they were in 2000. Climate Bill legislation is still in flux. There has even been talk of including a Climate Bill with cap and trade in the current budget reconciliation process in order to fast-track it. Given the large revenues that would be generated by selling carbon credits or emission permits it is difficult to see how the federal budget reconciliation process could be concluded without considering the effects of a Climate Bill. But, it has been argued that the budget process was not designed for the formation of such substantive legislation. Climate Reserve Funds have been allocated as a kind of financial placeholder to make room for some form of a Climate Bill down the road as a way to work around the absence of a final bill at this time.觉得不灵 就自己写吧,把课文或课后阅读理解修改下就变自己的文章了,
