
desire 造句

desire 造句(the desire for sth造句)

admin admin 发表于2024-06-04 16:52:01 浏览10 评论0


“desire 造句”相关信息最新大全有哪些,这是大家都非常关心的,接下来就一起看看desire 造句(the desire for sth造句)!


the desire for sth造句

We all desire to be happy. I have s strong desire for success. I have a strong desire to see my family. I like to try and keep up with what’s happening in the world.我喜欢设法了解世界上所发生的事情.


We all desire to be happy.I have s strong desire for success.I have a strong desire to see my family.I like to try and keep up with what’s happening in the world.我喜欢设法了解世界上所发生的事情。

用to lose my desire/eagemess to do 造句

Whenever I think of poverty, I lose my desire to live.每当我想到贫穷,我就不想再活下去。It didn’t take me long to lose my eagerness to answer questions.没有多久我就丢失了回答问题的热情。

desire todo造句

desire to do sth渴望做某事双语对照词典结果:网络释义1. 渴望做某事例句:1.But facebook already allows users to do this. 但是facebook已经允许用户这么做了。desire 英 vt. 渴望; 希望; 要求; 请求; n. 欲望; 愿望; 希望; 请求; vi. 愿望; 有希望; 期望; 想望; They are driven on partly by a wish for democracy, but also by a desire for national self-assertion.驱动他们的一方面是对民主的期待,另一方面是对民族自立的渴望。 第三人称单数:desires复数:desires现在分词:desiring过去式:desired过去分词:desired形近词: desize 双语例句柯林斯词典英英释义百度百科相关单词:DESIREabbr.diffusion enhanced silylating resist (process) 扩散增强硅烷化抗蚀剂(工艺)Desire德西雷

用desire 造句(词性不同) 名词两个 及物动词两个 虚拟语气两个在1:30以前求答案,急需,

More desire is what you need. 你需要有更多的欲望。 2.We all desire change in our lives. 我们都渴望在我们的生命中有所改变。 3.I have a strong desire for success. 我有强烈的愿望要成功。

unashamed desire造句 unashamed desireの例文

The first single from the album, " Unashamed Desire ", was released on April 23, 2012 with an acpanying video.

In July and August 2010 McLachlan invited Boucher to perform on the renewed Lipth Fair tour, where Boucher met fellow Austrapan singer-songwriter Missy Higgins, the pair share songwriting for a number of tracks including, " Unashamed Desire ".

Simone Ubaldi from Beat Music reviewed the song, saying : " Unashamed Desire is a big old plonker of a piano tune with some dark muttering in the verse and arch waipng in the chorus " and that is a " Nice, big sound ".

Both Boucher and Higgins recorded their own version of " Unashamed Desire " : Boucher’s appeared on her self-titled album which was released 13 April 2012, Higgins’version was issued as a single and appeared on " The Ol’Razzle Dazzle ".

" Unashamed Desire " follows Missy s private decision to quit music despite selpng over a milpon copies of her first o albums,  The Sound of White and  On A Clear Night, critical acclaim, multiple ARIA Awards and gold certification in the United States of America.

It’s difficult to find unashamed desire in a sentence. 用 unashamed desire 造句挺难的

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