
技嘉新闻 技嘉


admin admin 发表于2024-04-24 03:59:16 浏览19 评论0









说实在的这三个品牌的板卡我都用过,怎么说呢,我只能说仁者见仁智者见智了,单从销量上来说华硕应该算是销量最大的,再加上华硕的加盟店确实非常多,几乎是个电脑店都会挂上华硕的牌子,所以在这三个品牌中华硕的市场份额要稍微大一些,但是有一说一这个华硕主板我只能说高端主板确实是非常不错,至于这个低端主板就算了吧,华硕的低端主板可以说在各方面都不如技嘉和微星,换句话说你要是准备搞一套高端电脑,那么建议你可以直接全家桶华硕高端配件,不过那个价格也非常给力,大部分人都只是看看而已。打开网易新闻 查看精彩图片 至于这个技嘉和微星其实都是半斤八两,准确来说这个技嘉主板在中低端还是非常不错的,最起码是几款主板当中用料最良心的,论耐久性应该还是技嘉略胜一筹,不过对于技嘉争议性非常大,这里倒不是说技嘉板卡不好,而是涉及到一些道德层次的问题,因为技嘉曾经在自己官微说了一些不该说的话来贬低中国制造,即便是后期道歉了,也导致了很大一部分小伙伴不原谅技嘉并且开始看不起技嘉,杜绝使用他们家的产品,曾经一段时间技嘉可以说被全面封杀了,其实这也怪不了别人说白了这都是他们自己找的。打开网易新闻 查看精彩图片 对于微星这个品牌其实我也不知道该怎么说,他在高端不如华硕,低端也没有技嘉好,但是你就是找不出他有多少问题,整体给人的感觉就是中规中矩,不过微星的中端板子还是不错的尤其是每年的迫机炮系列不管是做工还是价格都非常不错,也是每年装机量非常大的一个系列,至于什么爆破弹什么的就算了,他真的算是丐中丐了,所以对于这三个品牌来说是各有各的特色,对于他们这三个品牌来说也没有百分百哪个最好,也不能说哪个不好,只能说哪个最适合你就选哪个,必定都是三个一线品牌,选择谁都没有问题。打开网易新闻 查看精彩图片 如果非要给一个选择的话我只能说高端主板建议选择华硕,毕竟华硕的高端主板在各方面都非常不错,低端入门级主板选择技嘉,一直以来技嘉的入门级主板是公认的用料最良心的主板,这里请大家理性看待技嘉,我这里只是针对产品本身来说,至于中端主板可以适当的看一下微星的迫机炮系列,不过我还是那句话对于这三个品牌只要你喜欢都是可以选择的,具体请根据你的预算和用途选择最适合你的品牌和型号,必定不同品牌不同型号他们都是有差距的,对此不知道小伙伴觉得这三个品牌哪个最好呢?


行家版将全面采用超低电阻晶体管,温度降低16%,更省电,更省钱,寿命更长。还采用了最低4 phase供电设计,以及每1 phase采用1上2下的设计,稳定性更好。


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N/A = Not support "-" = Under Testing 主板 产品型号 GA-965P-DS3(rev. 3.3) PCB 版本 3.x CPU 广商 CPU 型号 Frequency L2 Cache Core Name Process Stepping Wattage 外频 1333 Intel Xeon X3360 2.83GHz 12MB Yorkfield 45nm C0 65W 1333 - Intel Xeon X3350 2.66GHz 12MB Yorkfield 45nm C0 65W 1333 - Intel Xeon X3320 2.50GHz 6MB Yorkfield 45nm M0 65W 1333 - Intel Xeon E3110 3GHz 6 MB Wolfdale 45nm C0 65W 1333 - Intel Core 2 Extreme QX9770 3.2GHz 12 MB Yorkfield 45nm C0 135W 1600 N/A Intel Core 2 Extreme QX9650 3GHz 12 MB Yorkfield 45nm C0 130W 1333 F13q(Non official support) Intel Core 2 Quad Q9550 2.83GHz 12MB Yorkfield 45nm C1 65W 1333 F13q(Non official support) Intel Core 2 Quad Q9450 2.66GHz 12MB Yorkfield 45nm C1 65W 1333 F13q(Non official support) Intel Core 2 Quad Q9300 2.50GHz 6MB Yorkfield 45nm M1 65W 1333 F13q(Non official support) Intel Core 2 Duo E8500 3.16GHz 6MB Wolfdale 45nm C0 65W 1333 F13q(Non official support) Intel Core 2 Duo E8400 3GHz 6MB Wolfdale 45nm C0 65W 1333 F13q(Non official support) Intel Core 2 Duo E8300 2.83GHz 6MB Wolfdale 45nm C0 65W 1333 - Intel Core 2 Duo E8200 2.66GHz 6MB Wolfdale 45nm C0 65W 1333 F13q(Non official support) Intel Core 2 Duo E8190 2.66GHz 6MB Wolfdale 45nm C0 65W 1333 F13q(Non official support) Intel Core 2 Extreme QX6850 3GHz 8MB Kentsfield 65nm G0 130W 1333 F12 Intel Core 2 Extreme QX6800 2.93GHz 8MB Kentsfield 65nm G0 130W 1066 F12 Intel Core 2 Extreme QX6700 2.66GHz 8MB Kentsfield 65nm B3 130W 1066 F10 Intel Core 2 Extreme X6800 2.93GHz 4MB Conroe XE 65nm B2 75W 1066 F10 Intel Core 2 Quad Q6700 2.66GHz 8MB Kentsfield 65nm G0 95W 1066 F12 Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 2.40HGz 8MB Kentsfield 65nm G0 95W 1066 F12 Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 2.40GHz 8MB Kentsfield 65nm B3 105W 1066 F10 Intel Core 2 Duo E7200 2.53GHz 3MB Wolfdale 45nm M0 65W 1066 - Intel Core 2 Duo E6850 3GHz 4MB Conroe 65nm G0 65W 1333 F12 Intel Core 2 Duo E6750 2.66GHz 4MB Conroe 65nm G0 65W 1333 F12 Intel Core 2 Duo E6700 2.66GHz 4MB Conroe 65nm B2 65W 1066 F10 Intel Core 2 Duo E6600 2.40GHz 4MB Conroe 65nm B2 65W 1066 F10 Intel Core 2 Duo E6550 2.33GHz 4MB Conroe 65nm G0 65W 1333 F12 Intel Core 2 Duo E6540 2.33GHz 4MB Conroe 65nm G0 65W 1333 F12 Intel Core 2 Duo E6420 2.13GHz 4MB Conroe 65nm B2 65W 1066 F11 Intel Core 2 Duo E6400 2.13GHz 2MB Conroe 65nm L2 65W 1066 F11 Intel Core 2 Duo E6400 2.13GHz 2MB Conroe 65nm B2 65W 1066 F11 Intel Core 2 Duo E6320 1.86GHz 4MB Conroe 65nm B2 65W 1066 F11 Intel Core 2 Duo E6300 1.86GHz 2MB Conroe 65nm L2 65W 1066 F11 Intel Core 2 Duo E6300 1.86GHz 2MB Conroe 65nm B2 65W 1066 F11 Intel Core 2 Duo E4700 2.60GHz 2MB Conroe 65nm G0 65W 800 F13k Intel Core 2 Duo E4600 2.40GH 2MB Conroe 65nm M0 65W 800 F12 Intel Core 2 Duo E4500 2.20GHz 2MB Conroe 65nm M0 65W 800 F12 Intel Core 2 Duo E4400 2GHz 2MB Conroe 65nm M0 65W 800 F12 Intel Core 2 Duo E4400 2GHz 2MB Conroe 65nm L2 65W 800 F11 Intel Core 2 Duo E4300 1.80GHz 2MB Conroe 65nm L2 65W 800 F11 Intel Pentium Dual-Core E2220 2.40GHz 1MB Conroe 65nm M0 65W 800 F13k Intel Pentium Dual-Core E2200 2.2GHz 1MB Conroe 65nm M0 65W 800 F12 Intel Pentium Dual-Core E2180 2.0GHz 1MB Conroe 65nm M0 65W 800 F12 Intel Pentium Dual-Core E2160 1.8GHz 1MB Conroe 65nm M0 65W 800 F12 Intel Pentium Dual-Core E2160 1.8GHz 1MB Conroe 65nm L2 65W 800 F11 Intel Pentium Dual-Core E2140 1.6GHz 1MB Conroe 65nm M0 65W 800 F12 Intel Pentium Dual-Core E2140 1.6GHz 1MB Conroe 65nm L2 65W 800 F11 Intel Celeron Dual-Core E1400 2.0GHz 512KB Conroe 65nm M0 65W 800 F13o Intel Celeron Dual-Core E1200 1.60GHz 512KB Conroe 65nm M0 65W 800 F12 Intel Pentium Extreme Edition 965 3.73GHz 4MB Presler 65nm C1 130W 1066 F10 Intel Pentium Extreme Edition 955 3.46GHz 4MB (2x2) Presler 65nm B1 130W 1066 F10 Intel Pentium Extreme Edition 840-XE 3.20GHz 2MB Smithfield 90nm A0 130W 800 F10 Intel Pentium D 960 3.60GHz 4MB Presler 65nm D0 95W 800 F10 Intel Pentium D 960 3.60GHz 4MB (2x2) Presler 65nm C1 130W 800 F10 Intel Pentium D 950 3.40GHz B1 Presler 65nm B1 130W 800 F10 Intel Pentium D 945 3.40GHz 4MB Presler 65nm D0 95W 800 F10 Intel Pentium D 945 3.40GHz 4MB Presler 65nm C1 95W 800 F10 Intel Pentium D 940 3.20GHz 4MB Presler 65nm C1 95W 800 F10 Intel Pentium D 940 3.20GHz 4MB (2x2) Presler 65nm B1 130W 800 F10 Intel Pentium D 935 3.20GHz 4MB Presler 65nm D0 95W 800 F10 Intel Pentium D 930 3GHz 4MB Presler 65nm C1 95W 800 F10 Intel Pentium D 930 3GHz 4MB (2x2) Presler 65nm B1 95W 800 F10 Intel Pentium D 925 3GHz 4MB Presler 65nm C1 95W 800 F10 Intel Pentium D 920 2.80GHz 4MB (2x2) Presler 65nm B1 95W 800 F10 Intel Pentium D 915 2.80GHz 4MB Presler 65nm C1 95W 800 F10 Intel Pentium D 840 3.20GHz 2MB Smithfield 90nm B0 130W 800 F10 Intel Pentium D 840 3.20GHz 2MB Smithfield 90nm A0 130W 800 F10 Intel Pentium D 830 3GHz 2MB Smithfield 90nm B0 130W 800 F10 Intel Pentium D 830 3GHz 2MB Smithfield 90nm A0 130W 800 F10 Intel Pentium D 820 2.80GHz 2MB Smithfield 90nm B0 95W 800 F10 Intel Pentium D 820 2.80GHz 2MB Smithfield 90nm A0 95W 800 F10 Intel Pentium D 805 2.66GHz 2MB Smithfield 90nm B0 95W 533 F10 Intel P4-Extreme Edition 3.73GHz 2MB Prescott 90nm N0 115W 1066 F10 Intel P4-Extreme Edition 3.46GHz 2MB Northwood 0.13 micron M0 110.7W 1066 N/A Intel P4-Extreme Edition 3.40GHz 2MB Northwood 0.13 micron M0 109.6W 800 N/A Intel Pentium 4 672 3.80GHz 2MB Prescott 90nm R0 115W 800 F10 Intel Pentium 4 670 3.80GHz 2MB Prescott 90nm R0 115W 800 F10 Intel Pentium 4 670 3.80GHz 2MB Prescott 90nm N0 115W 800 F10 Intel Pentium 4 662 3.60GHz 2MB Prescott 90nm R0 115W 800 F10 Intel Pentium 4 661 3.60GHz 2MB Cedar Mill 65nm B1 86W 800 F10 Intel Pentium 4 660 3.60GHz 2MB Prescott 90nm N0 115W 800 F10 Intel Pentium 4 651 3.40GHz 2MB Cedar Mill 65nm D0 65W 800 F10 Intel Pentium 4 651 3.40GHz 2MB Cedar Mill 65nm B1 86W 800 F10 Intel Pentium 4 650 3.40GHz 2MB Prescott 90nm R0 84W 800 F10 Intel Pentium 4 650 3.40GHz 2MB Prescott 90nm N0 84W 800 F10 Intel Pentium 4 641 3.20GHz 2MB Cedar Mill 65nm D0 65W 800 F10 Intel Pentium 4 641 3.20GHz 2MB Cedar Mill 65nm B1 86W 800 F10 Intel Pentium 4 640 3.20GHz 2MB Prescott 90nm N0 84W 800 F10 Intel Pentium 4 631 3GHz 2MB Cedar Mill 65nm D0 65W 800 F10 Intel Pentium 4 631 3GHz 2MB Cedar Mill 65nm B1 86W 800 F10 Intel Pentium 4 630 3GHz 2MB Prescott 90nm N0 84W 800 F10 Intel Pentium 4 571 3.80GHz 1MB Prescott 90nm E0 115W 800 F10 Intel Pentium 4 570J 3.80GHz 1MB Prescott 90nm E0 115W 800 F10 Intel Pentium 4 561 3.60GHz 1MB Prescott 90nm E0 115W 800 F10 Intel Pentium 4 560 3.60GHz 1MB Prescott 90nm D0 115W 800 F10 Intel Pentium 4 560J 3.60GHz 1MB Prescott 90nm E0 115W 800 F10 Intel Pentium 4 551 3.40GHz 1MB Prescott 90nm G1 84W 800 F10 Intel Pentium 4 551 3.40GHz 1MB Prescott 90nm E0 84W 800 F10 Intel Pentium 4 550 3.40GHz 1MB Prescott 90nm E0 84W 800 F10 Intel Pentium 4 550J 3.40GHz 1MB Prescott 90nm E0 84W 800 F10 Intel Pentium 4 541 3.20GHz 1MB Prescott 90nm E0 84W 800 F10 Intel Pentium 4 540 3.20GHz 1MB Prescott 90nm E0 84W 800 F10 Intel Pentium 4 531 3.00GHz 1MB Prescott 90nm E0 84W 800 F12 Intel Pentium 4 530 3GHz 1MB Prescott 90nm D0 84W 800 F10 Intel Pentium 4 530J 3GHz 1MB Prescott 90nm E0 84W 800 F10 Intel Pentium 4 524 3.06GHz 1MB Prescott 90nm G1 84W 533 F10 Intel Pentium 4 521 2.80GHz 1MB Prescott 90nm E0 84W 800 F10 Intel Pentium 4 520 2.80GHz 1MB Prescott 90nm D0 84W 800 F10 Intel Pentium 4 519K 3.06GHz 1MB Prescott 90nm G1 84W 533 F10 Intel Pentium 4 516 2.93GHz 1MB Prescott 90nm G1 84W 533 F10 Intel Pentium 4 516 2.93GHz 1MB Prescott 90nm E0 84W 533 F10 Intel Pentium 4 506 2.66GHz 1MB Prescott 90nm E0 84W 533 F10 Intel Pentium 4 505J 2.66GHz 1MB Prescott 90nm E0 84W 533 F10 Intel Celeron 400 Sequence 440 2GHz 512KB Conroe-L 65nm A1 35W 800 F11 Intel Celeron 400 Sequence 430 1.8GHz 512KB Conroe-L 65nm A1 35W 800 F11 Intel Celeron 400 Sequence 420 1.60GHz 512KB Conroe-L 65nm A1 35W 800 F11 Intel Celeron D 365 3.60GHz 512KB Cedar Mill 65nm D0 65W 533 F10 Intel Celeron D 360 3.46GHz 512KB Cedar Mill 65nm D0 65W 533 F10 Intel Celeron D 356 3.33GHz 512KB Cedar Mill 65nm C1 86W 533 F10 Intel Celeron D 355 3.33GHz 256KB Prescott 90nm G1 73W 533 F10 Intel Celeron D 352 3.20GHz 512KB Cedar Mill 65nm C1 86W 533 F10 Intel Celeron D 351 3.20GHz 256KB Prescott 90nm E0 84W 533 F10 Intel Celeron D 346 3.06GHz 256KB Prescott 90nm E0 84W 533 F10 Intel Celeron D 345J 3.06GHz 256KB Prescott 90nm E0 84W 533 F10 Intel Celeron D 341 2.93GHz 256KB Prescott 90nm E0 84W 533 F10 Intel Celeron D 340J 2.93GHz 256KB Prescott 90nm E0 84W 533 F10 Intel Celeron D 336 2.80GHz 256KB Prescott 90nm E0 84W 533 F10 Intel Celeron D 335J 2.80GHz 256KB Prescott 90nm E0 84W 533 F10 Intel Celeron D 331 2.66GHz 256KB Prescott 90nm E0 84W 533 F10 Intel Celeron D 330J 2.66GHz 256KB Prescott 90nm E0 84W 533 F10 Intel Celeron D 326 2.53GHz 256KB Prescott 90nm E0 84W 533 F10 Intel Celeron D 325J 2.53GHz 256KB Prescott 90nm E0 84W 533 - Intel Core 2 Extreme QX9770 3.2GHz 12 MB 1600 - Intel Core 2 Extreme QX9650 3.0GHz 12MB 1333 - Intel Core 2 Quad Q9550 2.83GHz 12MB 1333 - Intel Core 2 Quad Q9450 2.66GHz 12MB 1333 - Intel Core 2 Quad Q9300 2.50GHz 6MB 1333 - Intel Core 2 Duo E8500 3.16GHz 6MB 1333 - Intel Core 2 Duo E8400 3GHz 6MB 1333 - Intel Core 2 Duo E8300 2.83GHz 6MB 1333 - Intel Core 2 Duo E8200 2.66GHz 6MB 1333 - Intel Core 2 Duo E8190 2.66GHz 6MB 1333 - Intel Core 2 Extreme QX6850 3.0GHz 8MB 1333 - Intel Core 2 Extreme QX6800 2.93GHz 8MB 1066 - Intel Core 2 Extreme QX6700 2.66GHz 8MB 1066 - Intel Core 2 Quad Q6700 2.66MHz 8MB 1066 - Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 2.4GHz 8MB 1066 - Intel Core 2 Extreme X6800 2.93GHz 4MB 1066 - Intel Core 2 Duo E7200 2.53GHz 3MB 1066 - Intel Core 2 Duo E6850 3.0GHz 4MB 1333 - Intel Core 2 Duo E6750 2.66GHz 4MB 1333 - Intel Core 2 Duo E6550 2.33GHz 4MB 1333 - Intel Core 2 Duo E6540 2.33GHz 4MB 1333 - Intel Core 2 Duo E6700 2.66GHz 4MB 1066 - Intel Core 2 Duo E6600 2.4GHz 4MB 1066 - Intel Core 2 Duo E6420 2.13GHz 4MB 1066 - Intel Core 2 Duo E6400 2.13GHz 2MB 1066 - Intel Core 2 Duo E6320 1.86GHz 4MB 1066 - Intel Core 2 Duo E6300 1.86GHz 2MB 1066 - Intel Core 2 Duo E4700 2.60GHz 2MB 800 - Intel Core 2 Duo E4600 2.40GHz 2MB 800 - Intel Core 2 Duo E4500 2.2GHz 2MB 800 - Intel Core 2 Duo E4400 2.0GHz 2MB 800 - Intel Core 2 Duo E4300 1.8GHz 2MB 800 - Intel Pentium Dual-Core E2220 2.40GHz 1MB 800 - Intel Pentium Dual-Core E2200 2.2GHz 1MB 800 - Intel Pentium Dual-Core E2180 2.00GHz 1MB 800 - Intel Pentium Dual-Core E2160 1.8GHz 1MB 800 - Intel Pentium Dual-Core E2140 1.6GHz 1MB 800 - Intel Celeron Dual-Core E1400 2.0GHz 512KB 800 - Intel Celeron Dual-Core E1200 1.60GHz 512KB 800 - Intel Pentium-Extreme Edition 965 3.73GHz 4MB 1066 - Intel Pentium-Extreme Edition 955 3.46GHz 4MB 1066 - Intel Pentium-Extreme Edition 840-XE 3.2GHz 2MB 800 - Intel Pentium D 960 3.6GHz 4MB 800 - Intel Pentium D 950 3.4GHz 4MB 800 - Intel Pentium D 945 3.4GHz 4MB 800 - Intel Pentium D 940 3.2GHz 4MB 800 - Intel Pentium D 935 3.2GHz 4MB 800 - Intel Pentium D 930 3.0GHz 4MB 800 - Intel Pentium D 925 3.0GHz 4MB 800 - Intel Pentium D 920 2.8GHz 4MB 800 - Intel Pentium D 915 2.8GHz 4MB 800 - Intel P4-Extreme Edition 3.73GHz 1066 - Intel P4-Extreme Edition 3.46GHz 1066 - Intel P4-Extreme Edition 3.4GHz 800 - Intel Pentium D 840 3.2GHz 2MB 800 - Intel Pentium D 830 3.0GHz 2MB 800 - Intel Pentium D 820 2.8GHz 2MB 800 - Intel Pentium D 805 2.66GHz 2MB 533 - Intel Pentium 4 672 3.8GHz 2MB 800 - Intel Pentium 4 670 3.8GHz 2MB 800 - Intel Pentium 4 662 3.6GHz 2MB 800 - Intel Pentium 4 661 3.6GHz 2MB 800 - Intel Pentium 4 660 3.6GHz 2MB 800 - Intel Pentium 4 651 3.4GHz 2MB 800 - Intel Pentium 4 650 3.4GHz 2MB 800 - Intel Pentium 4 641 3.2GHz 2MB 800 - Intel Pentium 4 640 3.2GHz 2MB 800 - Intel Pentium 4 631 3.0GHz 2MB 800 - Intel Pentium 4 630 3.0GHz 2MB 800 - Intel Pentium 4 571 3.8GHz 1MB 800 - Intel Pentium 4 570J 3.8GHz 1MB 800 - Intel Pentium 4 561 3.6GHz 1MB 800 - Intel Pentium 4 560(J) 3.6GHz 1MB 800 - Intel Pentium 4 551 3.4GHz 1MB 800 - Intel Pentium 4 550(J) 3.4GHz 1MB 800 - Intel Pentium 4 541 3.2GHz 1MB 800 - Intel Pentium 4 540(J) 3.2GHz 1MB 800 - Intel Pentium 4 531 3.0GHz 1MB 800 - Intel Pentium 4 530(J) 3.0GHz 1MB 800 - Intel Pentium 4 524 3.06GHz 1MB 533 - Intel Pentium 4 521 2.8GHz 1MB 800 - Intel Pentium 4 520(J) 2.8GHz 1MB 800 - Intel Pentium 4 519K 3.06GHz 1MB 533 - Intel Pentium 4 516 2.93GHz 1MB 533 - Intel Pentium 4 515(J) 2.93GHz 1MB 533 - Intel Pentium 4 511 2.8GHz 1MB 533 - Intel Pentium 4 510(J) 2.8GHz 1MB 533 - Intel Pentium 4 506 2.66GHz 1MB 533 - Intel Pentium 4 505(J) 2.66GHz 1MB 533 - Intel Celeron 400 Sequence (Conroe-L) 440 2.0GHz 512KB 800 - Intel Celeron 400 Sequence (Conroe-L) 430 1.8GHz 512KB 800 - Intel Celeron 400 Sequence (Conroe-L) 420 1.6GHz 512KB 800 - Intel Celeron D 360 3.46GHz 512KB 533 - Intel Celeron D 356 3.33GHz 512KB 533 - Intel Celeron D 355 3.33GHz 256KB 533 - Intel Celeron D 352 3.2GHz 512KB 533 - Intel Celeron D 351 3.2GHz 256KB 533 - Intel Celeron D 347 3.06GHz 512KB 533 - Intel Celeron D 346 3.06GHz 256KB 533 - Intel Celeron D 345J 3.06GHz 256KB 533 - Intel Celeron D 341 2.93GHz 256KB 533 - Intel Celeron D 340J 2.93GHz 256KB 533 - Intel Celeron D 336 2.8GHz 256KB 533 - Intel Celeron D 335J 2.8GHz 256KB 533 - Intel Celeron D 331 2.66GHz 256KB 533 - Intel Celeron D 330J 2.66GHz 256KB 533 - Intel Celeron D 326 2.53GHz 256KB 533 - Intel Celeron D 325J 2.53GHz 256KB 533 - RSS • 联络我们 • 经销商专区 • 网站导览 • 网站服务条款 • 隐私权声明政策 招募英才 All intellectual property rights, including without limitation to copyright and trademark of this work and its derivative works are the property of, or are licensed to, GIGA-BYTE TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. 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