
诺基亚铃声歌词 手机


admin admin 发表于2024-03-13 11:50:02 浏览21 评论0




take my hand and walk 歌手:kry 专辑:you


这首叫《Listen》的歌有人曾经打电话专门问了北京诺基亚公司,他们的答复是:由于版权的关系和艺人的要求,我们现在不能公布这首歌的详细信息。至于何时可以公布,我们需要得到芬兰总部的确认。 女声唱的很好听,听说诺基亚啊铃声都是自创的,所以也没有人知道全部的歌曲是什么样的。 歌词大概是 : Do you hear me when I say, I’m waiting, can you answer my call?

找一NOKIA铃声歌词是:有没有一个铃声 让你想起我什么的

有没有一个很独特香水 每当你听到它就会立刻想起我.有没有一首只属于我和你的歌 带到你带到我音乐让我说


歌手是荷兰的。当初由于版权问题没成功录制这首歌。所以也只在老款的NOKIA手机中有这歌铃声。网上找不到完整的 有也是跟手机铃声一样长短的。


这是歌词Well, it’s a feel good song,It shouldn’t take too longto learn the melody.So won’t you sing with me?I got my guitar here,I bought a 6-pack of beer,We’ll tell a joke or two,and share some feel-good tears.*well,It’s a feel-good day,I smell the ocean’s break, The sun’s peek and flew,And I just got paid. I got some friends coming downfrom the other side of the town,We’re gonna barbecue,and throw the football around.I think about your smile,when I can’t hold you hand.It’s hard to walk a milewith you alone in the sand.Over come by all emotions.I fell good.I shared some feel-good tears.*A combination of all situationsis to remember the way I want to.Mostly I was happy.I shared a feel-good tear when I think of you.**When the week is doneI’m gonna lay out in the sun.I’m gonna take my girl outand we’re gonna have fun.I’ve worked for 3 years straight,and I haven’t had a break.I just got me a raiseand two-weeks vocations paid

诺基亚铃声always here有完整歌名吗在哪里下载

这个铃音本身不是完整的歌曲,是Nokia公司为手机创作的铃音,即所说的ringtone slip,lyrics (歌词)如下:Circling round the starLike satellites we are...A light to guide all ways

诺基亚的一个铃声,歌词有“just sing this song”,叫什么名

  (this song’s just) six words long  歌手:weird al yankovic 专辑:even worse  This song’s just six words long  This song’s just six words long  This song’s just six words long  This song’s just six words long  Couldn’t think of any lyrics  No, I never wrote the lyrics  So I’ll just sing any old lyrics  That come to mind, child  You really need words  Whole lotta rhyming words  You gotta rhyme so many words, mmm...  To do it, to do it, to do it, to do it  To do it, to do it right, child  This song’s just six words long  This song’s just six words long  This song’s just six words long  This song’s just six words long  I know that you’re probably sore  ’Cause I didn’t write any more  I just didn’t get to complete it  So that’s why I gotta repeat it  This song’s just six words long (six words long)  This song’s just six words long (six words long)  Oh I make a lotta money!  They pay me a ton of money  They’re payin’ me plenty of money  To sing this song, child  I gotta fill time  Three minutes worth of time  Oh, how will I fill so much time? Mmm...  I’ll throw in a solo, a solo, a solo  A solo, a solo here  This song’s just six words long  This song’s just six words long  This song’s just six words long  This song’s just six words long  This song’s got nothing to say  But I’m recording it anyway  I know if I put my mind to it  I know I could find a good rhyme here  Oh, you gotta have-a music  You need really catchy music  This song has got plenty of music  But just six words, child  And so I’ll sing’em over  And over and over and over  And over and over and over, Mmm...  And over and over and over  And over and over and over again  Six words long...  Six words long...  Six words long...  Six words long...