


admin admin 发表于2024-03-15 10:32:18 浏览10 评论0




  • + 号可以说成 plus 或 and .= 可以说成 equals , is , comes to

  • 1+1=one plus one equals


语文:1+1=2丶?!(1+1绝对不等于2,要添东西!)数学:1+1=2!(普通的数学问题)英语:1+1=two!(字母)生活:1+1=1!(一支筷子+一支筷子=1双筷子)生殖:1+1=3!(爸爸+妈妈=爸爸、妈妈、我)文字游戏:1+1=? ①1+1→1十1→1十1=→把等于放到上面和下面→田!(数字变文字)音乐:1+1=4+4=2!(1+1=四分音符+四分音符=二分音符!)品德:1+1=世界会更美好(你的一点品德,我的一点品德,世界会更美好!)脑筋急转弯:1+1=11!(1+1就是两个一就是11!)


加减乘除啥都有了,慢慢学习一、加法  “加”用plus,and或add表示;“等于”用is,make,equal等词表示。  1 + 1 = ?可表示为:How much is one plus two?  1 + 2 = 3 可表示为:  One plus two is three.  One and two is equal to three.  One and two make(s) three.  One added to two equals three.  If we add one to / and to, we get three.二、减法  “减”用minus或take from表示。  9 - 3 = ?可表示为:How much is nine minus three?  9 - 3 = 6 可表示为:  Nine minus three is six.  Take three from nine and the remainder is six.  Three (taken) from nine is six.三、乘法  “乘”可用time(动词)或multiply表示。  2 × 3 = ?可表示为:How much is two times three?  2 × 3 = 6 可表示为:  Two times three is six.  Multiply two by three, we get six.  Two multipied by three makes six.四、除法  “除”用divide的过去分词形式表示。  15 ÷ 3 = ?可表示为:How much is fifteen divided by three?  15 ÷ 3 = 5 可表示为:  Fifteen divided by three is five.  Fifteen divided by three equals / gives / makes five.五、其他算式的写法和读法  1:2 读作 the ratio of one to two  15:3 = 5 读作 The ratio of fifteen to three equals five.  3的平方 读作 three squared  2的立方 = 8 读作 Two cubed is eight.  X的四次方 = Y 读作 The fourth power of X is Y.  4开平方 = 2 读作 The square root of four is two.  8开立方 = 2 读作 The cubic root of eight is two.


1加11 plus 1 what is one push one?One push one is twopush 英 vt. 推,推动; vt. 按; 推动,增加; 对…施加压力,逼迫; 说服; n. 推,决心; 大规模攻势; 矢志的追求; I pushed through the crowds and on to the escalator我挤出人群,踏上了自动扶梯。


What is one plus one?一加一等于几? How much is one plus one?一加一等于多少? How much is one add one?一加一是多少?