
stripping p


admin admin 发表于2024-03-14 19:52:28 浏览14 评论0




asset-stripping n.双语例句:1.In recent times, what services there were had been greatly reduced after several changes of ownership and much asset-stripping. 最近,由于产权变换和资产剥离,火车营运线路大大减少了。2.Given that unions typically view private equity firms as asset-stripping , job - destroying "barbarians" in pursuit of short - term profit, how does KPS foster constructive partnerships with workers? 通常工会都认为私人投资基金是剥夺资产、砸掉饭碗的“野蛮人”,他们只追求短期利益。那么KPS是如何与工人们培养建设性的合作关系的呢?

earning stripping是什么意思

earning stripping 意思:剥夺收益词汇解释earning 英 n.所赚的钱,收入v.挣钱;赚得( earn的现在分词 );生(利);获(利)例句:I was earning a lot of money, but that was not the issue 我赚很多钱,但那不是最重要的。stripping 英 n.抽锭,脱模,拆模v.剥皮( strip的现在分词 );脱光衣服;(齿轮的齿等)折断;表演脱衣舞例句:Ventilate the room properly when paint stripping 当油漆开始剥落时,要给房间适当通风。